Cisco ACME Pre-Request Script

Pre-Request Script

Note: This script can only be used with RSA key pairs. If you want to use ECDSA key pairs, you'll need to reconfigure the script yourself.

Common Request Script

This pre-request script can be used with Postman to interact with the majority of endpoints including our custom endpoints.

  • pm.sendRequest({

    url: '',

    method: 'GET',

    }, function (err, res) {

    pm.globals.set('jsrsasign-js', res.text());


    url: pm.environment.get('baseUrl') + '/new-nonce',

    method: 'GET',

    }, function (err, res) {

    const replayNonce = res.headers.find(h => h.key == 'Replay-Nonce').value;

    pm.environment.set('Replay-Nonce', replayNonce);

    // JWT generation script adapted from


    var navigator = {};

    var window = {};


    var privateKey = pm.environment.get('account_private_key') || ''

    const pathInfo = pm.variables.replaceIn(pm.request.url.getPath());

    // Set headers for JWT

    var header = {

    'kid':pm.environment.get('baseUrl') + '/acct/' + pm.environment.get('accountId') || '',

    'nonce': pm.environment.get('Replay-Nonce') || '',

    "url" : pm.environment.get("baseUrl") + pathInfo || '',

    'alg': 'RS256'


    var data = pm.request.body.raw || ''

    // sign token

    var sJWT = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(header.alg, header, data, privateKey).split(".")

    let body = {

    'protected': sJWT[0],

    'payload': sJWT[1],

    'signature': sJWT[2]





Key-Change Request Script

This pre-request script can be used with Postman to exchange your old key pair with a new key pair using the key-change endpoint.

  • pm.sendRequest({

    url: '',

    method: 'GET',

    }, function (err, res) {

    pm.globals.set('jsrsasign-js', res.text());


    url: pm.environment.get('baseUrl') + '/new-nonce',

    method: 'GET',

    }, function (err, res) {

    const replayNonce = res.headers.find(h => h.key == 'Replay-Nonce').value;

    pm.environment.set('Replay-Nonce', replayNonce);

    // JWT generation script adapted from


    var navigator = {};

    var window = {};


    var newPrivateKey = pm.environment.get('account_new_private_key') || ''

    const pathInfo = pm.variables.replaceIn(pm.request.url.getPath());

    var newPubKeyJWK = {





    var innerHeader = {

    'jwk': newPubKeyJWK,

    "url" : pm.environment.get("baseUrl") + pathInfo || '',

    'alg': 'RS256'


    var oldPubKeyJWK = {





    var innerData = {

    'account': pm.environment.get('baseUrl') + '/acct/' + pm.environment.get('accountId') || '',

    'oldKey' : oldPubKeyJWK


    var innerJWS = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(innerHeader.alg, innerHeader, innerData, newPrivateKey).split(".")

    var oldPrivateKey = pm.environment.get('account_private_key') || ''

    let outerPayload = {

    'protected': innerJWS[0],

    'payload': innerJWS[1],

    'signature': innerJWS[2]


    var outerHeader = {

    'kid': pm.environment.get('baseUrl') + '/acct/' + pm.environment.get('accountId') || '',

    'nonce': pm.environment.get('Replay-Nonce') || '',

    "url" : pm.environment.get("baseUrl") + pathInfo || '',

    'alg': 'RS256'


    var sJWT = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(outerHeader.alg, outerHeader, outerPayload, oldPrivateKey).split(".")

    let body = {

    'protected': sJWT[0],

    'payload': sJWT[1],

    'signature': sJWT[2]





Environment Variables

These environment variables are needed to ensure the request is signed correctly each time.

  • baseURL

  • accountId

    Account ID associated with your acme account

  • account_private_key

    Private key associated with account to sign each request.

  • account_new_private_key

    New private key you want to associate with your account. This is used for the key-change request.

  • new_public_key_n

    N value associated with new public key. This is used for the key-change request.

  • old_public_key_n

    N value associated with old public key. This is used for the key-change request.

  • Replay-Nonce

    This will automatically be generated in for each request but must exist to be set.


The Cisco ACME team is not responsible for issues using this script.

© 2024 Cisco Systems, Inc. | Cisco Confidential | Developed and supported by Cryptographic Services Team
ACME Version : 3.9.1 | Build Date : 10/10/2024 11:01:26 EST